Sunday, August 17, 2008


So, tonight, I dropped Drew off again. As usual, to calm myself and bless my husband as he starts his week...I prayed the WHOLE way home. I started praying (as usual) for peace and patience and endurance and wisdom for Drew. I then suddenly began reflecting on last nights sermon message which had really moved me, I was replaying alot of the main points in my attention then began to focus on how the experience at RHOP last Wednesday was and how I really enjoyed that.
All of a sudden God began to reveal all sorts of things from throughout my life to me.
• how I have NEVER felt called to foreign missions (since Junior High I felt very strongly about that)
• how I am patriotic and feel that America is in JUST as bad of shape as anyone
• how my personality tends to turn inward and not gravitate toward other people
• how I have had a desire to be a prayer warrior since early High School
• how I feel about the abortion issue and how my worldview class in High School gave me ammunition to back my beliefs (and I have written a few reports on the issue of Pro-Life since)
• that since I heard about the issues of sex trade in Cambodia about 3 years ago, my heart has ached for those children
• how, as a girl, I feel the pressure of the media/entertainment/fashion industries of what "beauty" is
• that as a wife, who wants to be a mother, thinking about raising a Junior High or High Schooler in today's world, the burden of overcoming that is terrifying!...but I'm still young enough to relate and have my heart go out to them...
• how working in a secular environment has proven to me, the world has become so shockingly tolerant to issues such as pornography, prostitution, and masterbation...and how those issues are no longer taboo
• how the general issue of SEX has just become so common and bombards us at EVERY angle!
As I was going over all these points in my head and thinking about how through the course of my life a different issue has become something that I feel strongly about and now all of them are or were at one point: I had a revelation!!! Suddenly I realized, this is it! God has been gradually throuout my life revealing different issues to me to be passionate about and as I developed convictions about each one, and now hear a message involving ALL, and now feel I have a place to go and be silently in God's precense...OH! I am to be a prayer intercessor, at the Rock House of Prayer, for these issues and the value of life. And not until this point in my life could I have had the flexibility to do this. I am now unemployed, a stay at home wife here to be Drew's support...and an intercessor for the value of human life!!!
PRAISE GOD...I have never felt more sure of what my purpose is!

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