Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Third DONE! Week 10 Starts Tomorrow!

Well, this weekend OFFICIALLY marked the ONE THIRD point of our journey through the CHP Academy. WOO HOO!!!

I prayed most of the way home for peace, strength, and that his brain would be a sponge to all the new information he's going to learn this week in all his new classes that he started last week (really the bulk of his core classes during the Academy). And, that he would be released from his double PT duties, and to have some reassurance that he is giving his 100% in everything.

Drew's day on Friday went alright, he got another test score back which he passed, and his company won the drill competition on Friday morning! Praise the Lord. That officially frees up about an hour of time on Tuesday nights (all other companies have to polish all brass on the Academy grounds for the memorial ceremonies held every Wednesday night for fallen Officers), and up until this point all three companies were having their Tuesday nights cut into by that. And they also get one additional liberty evening of their choice as a reward. Which means that the company can decide on a night other than Wednesday nights on a given week to take one extra liberty evening (and it can't be taken away by restrictions). So, that's exciting too.

Drew only had his training table menu and some studying to do this weekend. That is a huge blessing. He brought his gun belt home...He now has his belt, his duty belt, all the straps that hold those two belts together, his handcuffs and case, his gun and holster, his magazines and two holders, his baton and ring, his pepper spray holder, and his radio and radio attachment for his belt. So, he's starting to look pretty put together :D He started his range classes last week, with rules and how to break down and re-assemble his gun. Tomorrow, he gets to actually start out on the range :)
It was so nice to have him home, to relax Friday productive on Saturday and go to church in the evening...and then be able to relax and spend some more time together this afternoon. And next weekend, Ed and Sherri will be here, that will be very fun...we're excited to see them, and I think Drew is excited to see people. Everyone seems to avoid us, which yes...when he has stuff to do we are very UNavailable, but he likes to break up the routine of the Academy by seeing other makes him feel like he's in the real world, not still stuck in the Academy mode.
He was having a really hard time going back tonight...he said the weekend seemed like it went really fast and he just wanted one more day. But once we got back there, he was ready to get going again. One of his roommates was asleep and the other was sent to the hospital...HA! Ok, it's not that serious...Drew was telling me that last week his roommate got an "ingrown hair" on his hip from beginning to wear his gun belt. Well, by Friday it was the size of his hip, and a huge lump...and it looked like a growth...Drew said it looked like gangreen! Well, he was going to go to the doctor's this weekend, but there was too much of a he came back tonight, and showed the staff office when he checked in. Drew said it's not swollen anymore, but it looks like there's a hole in his the pressure finally blew it out...and it's a big open red sore on the side of his, he was sent to the hospital before his blood could circulate it anymore in case it's a virus or something!!! EEEWWW!!! Drew said it's disgusting...Hopefully, it's not catching :)

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