Wednesday, September 17, 2008

CHP ~ Day 43

Well, today was eventful. Heh, I guess that's one way to put it!

I wasn't doing much this morning, I couldn't sleep last night so I was up until 3am once again, so OF COURSE I slept in. My mom called me and we went out to lunch a visited for a bit. And then, my sister came over for a little while after her French class. We were venting about life and visiting for quite a few's times like that which make me feel close to her, not quite so distanced. :)
I was getting some sandwiches and stuff ready, and shortly after Rachel left, I left to pick up Drew. I ran by the bank and then the gas station first, and I got a call from Drew (as I usually do on Wednesdays to let me know he's done for the day). But, he sounded wretched, and said don't come I'm on restriction...I'll explain to you later if I have time...pray for me. Well, if that's not the most gutt wrenching thing to hear suddenly. So, I called Sherri and my mom to give them updates and have them be praying as well. The only thing I could assume was that he had really bad test scores on the two EVOC written tests he took Monday (which he felt unsure about).
My mom ended up picking me up and driving me up to Auburn to spend the evening with them (get my mind off of stressing). We went to dinner, THE WHOLE FAMILY...amazing! :) And when we got back, I made some banana bread for Drew. He called me at about 9:45 ish.

Apparently, within the last few days (I'm not sure when) all of the cadets in his class filled out a cadet evaluation form, listing their top 3 and bottom 3 cadets (in their opinion). The results were back today, and Drew was in the bottom 3 for 95 of the cadets (about 50% of the class). Which meant he spent a class period being lectured about the issues brought forth by the survey's and that they've never had anyone have so many negatives! There were a few officers in there and the sergant "discussing" with him...and it was immediately after that when he called me -- NO WONDER he sounded so aweful!!! He had to write a 3 page memo on what he wants out of the Academy, what he can do to better himself, and what he can do to try harder. After a certain amount of time, one of the officers came in and read over what he had and shared with him how he can get the most of his Academy experience, and also out of this career, and how he can make a bigger impression that he is working hard. I think that encouraged him a little, but it is still very disheartening to hear that all your hard work is going unnoticed, and quite the opposite...that "he doesn't give 100%".

Well, he called me after he did some homework to say goodnight (around 11:20). He told me that the rest of his day was rough also. A certain officer that was hard on him the first few weeks, had been on vacation for a while and came back that made PT wonderful...and he lost a blue card there for "giving only 50%". He lost another blue card for being late to drill...because he is still on double PT, he is late to catch back up with his company. On a lighter note, he received the test scores from the two Monday tests that he was concerned about, and he received an 80% and a 90%!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

I am now fervently praying that God would release him from his double PT duties. That would keep him on schedule with his company, he would not have a second round of it while others are fresh and on their first, and it would just be one less thing to worry about!!!

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