Tuesday, January 24, 2012

P90X Lean workout plan and nutrition plan- Day 1

Ok, I know I have two other posts about "P90X Day 1"...and I of course have excuses for why each of those stopped...BUT, today is a new day! I started P90X today (again). This time, I wanted to give myself every opportunity to succeed...since my body and my PCOS fights me over weight. So, I did alot of research before I did my workout today-I mean hours worth. I found a website/blog http://myp90xnutritionplan.com in my search for a free downloadable copy o the nutrition guide. She had lots of info and a meal tracking sheet, which was very helpful. Based off of what I read there I am going to be using chocolate milk as my recovery drink-I want there to be NO excuses and if I somehow can't get a hold of some special powder in time for something I'll quit...so, milk I can buy at any grocery store it is!

I spent the entire afternoon (no joke, 4 hours) dragging the Hubbs around to replace all our food. I'm going with the level II phase I plan/recipes for 4 weeks (fat shredder), then I'll do the phase II for 4 weeks, an proceed to start incorporating our own versions of recipes in after that.

D has been remarkably helpful an was a pretty good sport, he even picked up quite a few things at Trader Joes for himself! It was very daunting...but dollar wise, we came out SO much better than I had anticipated.

Because today was shot, I warmed some left over potatoes (to get rid of them) and made a chicken/onion/red bell pepper sauté in olive oil for dinner. So, the real "diet"/nutrition plan will start tomorrow. But my P90X started today. I'm doing the Lean routine, then I think I'll repeat, then perhaps try the classic. So, today was Core Synergistics. I could tell that (when I was doing it before) my body had really adjusted- because tonight I couldn't do half of what I was able to when I stopped...but it'll come back...

I have a sneaky little surprise for D waiting at the end of the 90 days. Well, it's sort of a reward/confidence booster for myself and also a gift/new beginning for him :) , and I am using that as a timeline cruncher and it should help motivate me to stay on track......but I'm not going to tell you what it is just yet ;)



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