Monday, August 25, 2008

CHP ~ Day 26

Today, I went to RHOP for a few hours...I really enjoyed it. The atmosphere there is just full of prayer, worship, and distractions, God's presence always feels there in a powerful way! Everytime I go I'm moved, and God always speaks to me through a verse or a song.
I've been praying for Drew alot this evening, he stepped in a gopher hole today on his run... :( he said his ankle and up his shin a bit is really sore but not swollen. BUT, he's supposed to report it right away, and he doesn't feel like it's that he didn't...SO! hopefully it will be healed by tomorrow's PT.

My mom called and said that she talked to grandpa and grandma from our visit on Friday...and they told her about how Drew had gotten encouragement from Officers last week. She was SO excited to hear that...she told me that Aunt Candy and grandma Mosburg had both last week been praying that he would receive unlikely encouragement at the Academy...what an incredible answer to PRAYER!!!

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