books I am reading

When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden ~ read in winter/spring 2009/2010
(almost finished reading)

(still reading this, but I'll write some thoughts when I'm done)

The Shack ~ read in fall 2009

oh yes...the widely controversial "Shack". well, in short I loved it.
I completely understand certain peoples views on it:
  • my grandma: God as an african american woman
  • the southern baptist church: this book is not the Bible, and therefore these views of God are non-doctrinal
    however, most people I know that cringed at the description of the next event that took place read no further. there were a few times when I was rather confused, and felt the author was portraying something other than a Biblical view of who God is...but if you actually read on and push through the issue that makes your brain start to wonder, it explains itself.
for example: I believe that God is the one and only God, but as a supernatural phenomenon that my brain is too pee sized to handle, He is also three parts but one God. the introduction of a fourth made me wonder WHAT was going on...but the book explains if you continue reading, that is the embodyment of wisdom, in the form of a woman because that is how the Bible portrays wisdom.

another example: my grandma set this book down the second she read the description of Papa. well, her loss. if you understand the story as a whole (and the author even plainly describes this), you know that God appearing to the character in any sort of form that resembled a "father" figure it would have presented many more issues for him. he had such "father wounds" and such a stereotypical viewpoint of God the Father that God appeared to him in the form furthest from that to eliminate any walls that could have presented themselves.

well, I thought it was amazing...I actually cried quite a few times (but I'm emotional like that). I thought it painted a beautiful picture of who God is and brought alot of things I know to be true to light for me to understand differently. (such as the concept that God is never disappointed or mad at us, how could He be...He knew we would make those choices before we were born, and knew the outcome as well).

Belly Laughs ~ read in summer 2009

My pregnant friend gave me this book to read, because it's hilarious regardless of whether you are/where/want to be/or even are not pregnant!!! HA! There is some language, and she's very blunt and brutally honest...but hey, that's the point of her writing it!!!