Well, Drew is officially done with all "training" and "extended Academy" schedules and is ON HIS OWN! woo hoo! The probation period is for the first year. So, his year will be up at the end of next January, but break-in is over, praise the Lord! We were so blessed not dealing with the worst of what break-in and the FTO's can offer. Drew did have a trying third phase, many clashes personally and professionally with his FTO, plus it was A Shift and therefore the shift with the most crashes, therefore LOTS of reports. He was extended for 10 days, but that helped him perfect his report writing and get more familiar with the beats. But, last week was phase four...and as of Friday, May 22nd Drew had his first over-time shift, which was also his first shift off of break-in, and back on graveyards.
God is SO very good to us. To see the ways that Drew has been stretched through break-in, but what God has provided and spared us during this time has been amazing. Drew has worked so faithfully, and we are finally digging out of the whole that has been created by the last year or two of our lives, and he is being rewarded for his hard work and endurance. The amount of expenses poured into supplies for the job is still ridiculous like at the Academy, but God is faithful and continues to provide. As always.
Drew is, of course, on graveyards. However, the wonderful friends we have made that are at our office (and from Northern Cal), Nate and Shelley, are on our schedule also. The last two night Drew and Nate have been able to work together and have loved it! The get along so well, and are very open with eachother. Again, thank You, Lord for your amazing provisions!
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